Mahmood "Noon" Mokhayesh

Lead Biologist

 Mr. Mokhayesh is a biologist and environmental compliance consultant with +6 years of professional experience in the Mojave Desert ecosystem and +10 years of experience in the Pacific Northwest Marine Fisheries. He was approved by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) as an authorized desert tortoise biologist on multiple projects in the state of Nevada and California. His experience includes handling 80 + wild Mojave desert tortoise, conducting visual health assessments, assisting with blood draws, assisting with transmitter attachments, radio telemetry tracking, tagging and over 1500 survey miles logged. His other experience includes preconstruction surveys for nesting birds, special and sensitive status species and cactus surveys. He has extensive experience working as a compliance monitor on commercial infrastructure construction sites, such as transmission lines, mining operations, solar projects and natural gas pipelines. Additional biological experience includes California red-legged frog, Foothills Yellow-legged frog, Western Pond turtle, California tiger salamander, Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, Western burrowing owl and Kit Fox.

In addition to his biological experience, Mr. Mokhayesh has been serving as a United States Army (Chemical Biological Radiological Nuclear) Warrant Officer. As an Army officer, he is familiar with the protocols and expectations of personnel working on military bases. He has the credentials to work on any base, in the United States and is a HAZMAT certified technician.


2021-07 - 2021-08

United States Army Warrant Officer: Chemical/Biological/Radiological/Nuclear Officer 

Army Warrant Officer Career College - Fort Rucker, AL

Wayne State University - Detroit, MI

1998-10 - 2004-02 Bachelors of Art: Biological Sciences 

1998-01 - 2004-02 Bachelor of Science: Environmental Science

 Minored in Fine Art 

Let's Conserve the Beauty of the Mojave!

At Elaphos, we're passionate about preserving and protecting the environment. Our team of experts is dedicated to finding innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental challenges. From species preservation to environmental consulting, we offer a wide range of services tailored to meet your needs.

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