Previous Projects

Previous Projects

Previous Projects

Elaphos Environmental LLC has successfully completed a range of projects in the industrial sector. Our track record includes conducting environmental assessments for transmission line projects, gas pipelines, solar installations, and highways. We have proven experience in identifying potential environmental risks and developing tailored strategies to minimize impacts.

  • Gemini Solar and Battery – contracted by Panorama Environmental Inc. to serve as Environmental Compliance Manager during the construction of the solar field. Elaphos conducted daily site inspections for compliance with project related plans and other documents, delivered daily and annual reports, served as point of contact between client, CIC and general contractor.

  • Harry Allen to Eldorado 500 kV transmission line – contracted by Walsh Energy Consulting to provide Authorized Desert Tortoise Biologists during construction of the transmission line. Responsibilities included construction monitoring, clearance survey and daily report preparation.

  • SEC Eldorado Line Swap – contracted by Ironwood Consulting to provide an Authorized Biologists to monitor constructionactivites.

  • PSEP L 2001 E-W Hydrotest – contracted by Caksey Biological to conduct construction monitoring during hydrotesting of gas pipeline near Cactus City, CA. Additional services provided included WEAP training, SWPPP inspections and daily report writing.

Let's Conserve the Beauty of the Mojave!

At Elaphos, we're passionate about preserving and protecting the environment. Our team of experts is dedicated to finding innovative and sustainable solutions for environmental challenges. From species preservation to environmental consulting, we offer a wide range of services tailored to meet your needs.

Thank you for considering Elaphos Environmental LLC. We look forward to connecting with you.

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