Volunteering with Mojave Max and the DCP

Volunteering with Mojave Max and the DCP

Volunteering with Mojave Max and the DCP

February 15, 2024

Hey everyone!
I just wanted to share my excitement about volunteering for yesterday's restoration project. We volunteered alongside the Clark County Desert Conservation Program and the Mojave Max Team restoring Boulder City Conservation Easement (BCCE). We gathered up natural materials like branches and mulch to cover up damage caused by off-trail vehicles. It was a hands-on opportunity to make a real difference. It felt rewarding to repair disrupted and destroyed areas and I think we did a great job in making the vegetation restoration areas less accessible and allowing the desert to heal. Please consider volunteering with Mojave Max and DCP in the future--https://lnkd.in/g9mXb25y.
The Desert Conservation Program (DCP) and the Boulder City Conservation Easement (BCCE) play vital roles in the conservation efforts of Clark County, Nevada. Established in 1990, the DCP ensures compliance with the Endangered Species Act for Clark County and its municipalities, including Boulder City. By implementing the Clark County Multiple Species Habitat Conservation Plan (MSHCP), the DCP is committed to safeguarding and rehabilitating habitats crucial for the survival of endangered species like the Desert Tortoise. The BCCE, designated in 1995, serves as a significant conservation area within Boulder City, managed through a partnership between the city and Clark County. Encompassing more than 86,000 acres, it provides a haven for desert species amid rapid urbanization. The BCCE aligns closely with the DCP's objectives, concentrating efforts on habitat restoration and conservation, thereby directly contributing to the broader goals outlined in the MSHCP to protect endangered species and their habitats throughout Clark County.

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